Herrick Students and Parents - Thank you for visiting our website! This main page contains some information about our department and the support services here at Herrick. We have some great links for students and parents on the left and we are constantly adding/updating information and links. If you would like to find out a little more about the support staff, please click the buttons below. To go to the Herrick Middle School main page - click here.
The Herrick Support Services Department
The Support Staff here at Herrick strives to meet the Social, Emotional, Academic and Developmental needs of our students. We want the Support Services Office to be a safe place for any student to talk about any issue. We take a pro-active approach to counseling. Our goal is to meet with each student either individually or in a small group at least 2-3 times a year. Why do we do this? We believe that students are more likely to speak with us about real issues if we reach out and really try to get to know them. We meet with some students more frequently depending on the needs of each student.
"So what will you be asking my child?" - Great Question.
The following questions are typical for the interviews.
• How are classes going? What kind of student are you/what kind of student do you want to be? What are your goals for grades this year? What's normal for you when it comes to grades? What do you think you need to work on to raise your grades (if any are low)? What is your toughest subject? What grade school did you attend? What did you like/dislike about that school? Do you have a favorite subject this year? Who was your favorite teacher from grade school and why?
Interpersonal & Career
What do you like to do for fun in your free time? Do you play an instrument? Sports? Hobbies? Who do you live with? How old are your siblings? What do you like about your home life? If you could change one thing about your life - what would it be? On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being excellent and 1 being horrible) how would you rate your junior high experience so far? What would have to happen for that number to go up? Have you ever thought about what you want to do for a job someday? What jobs seem like they would be cool or fun for you? What do your parents do for work?
Social - Peers & Friends
How has it been for you meeting new people this year? Have you met anyone new who you now consider a friend? Who do you sit with at lunch - friends from grade school? What do you and your friends like to do for fun when you get together? Have you had any problems with any other students? Mean kids? Bullies? Have you tried any clubs at Herrick?